DB connection failed on local machine

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


In cloud computing; I use Oracle 11g database. I can access it in the browser.

But I fail to make connection in DB from my local machine (both thru JDEV and Java Program). It shows an error: 'Network Adapter could not establish the connection'.

All the requirements such as credentials, host name, port name, SID are correct. But, I am not able to connect. What is the reason? Please solve my problem. Thanks in advance.

Answered By 55 points N/A #93893

DB connection failed on local machine


The following things are possible in your case.

The 1st thing that you can do to avoid this exception is to replace IP of the DB server with the DNS name

  • For example change the jdbc/odbc:username/[email protected]:SID
  • to
  • jdbc/odbc:username/password@[email protected]:(port number):SID
  • This is just an example. You have to manipulate it in your own way.

The second thing that you can do is to copy new libraries that contain the drivers to your class path if you have upgraded the database.

If you are using Windows XP , then just install the Oracle 10G enterprise edition. It will solve all of your current issues.

You can also try starting the lsnrctl start by going to start menu and opening the cmd and then typing it into it.

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