DDR1 RAM problem motherboard can’t boot

hello guys how can i repair a ddr1 ram? i cant seem to boot it in my s478 pc i have drop the memory module before it happen can i still recover this? and where can i bur a ddr1 ram ?

hello guys how can i repair a ddr1 ram? i cant seem to boot it in my s478 pc i have drop the memory module before it happen can i still recover this? and where can i bur a ddr1 ram ?
In repairing a RAM you can use a RAM check memory tester , well the first thing you will need to do is to test the suspected module to confirm if its faulty. This will take a few seconds to test with the RAM check, the ram check will then discover the modules speed, their size and type and  provide a pass/fail  message. If the RAM check confirmed that the module is damaged, that when you repossess the data sheets from the modules manufacturer. You will need to find the part and the number of the RAM, below is the image.
When done identifying you will then search it in Google, or just simply give it to the computer shop and buy the replacement.