Define the term “End user”.
Hi techyv,
Can you define the term "end user"? Why does the business term called user as an end user? Thanks.
Hi techyv,
Can you define the term "end user"? Why does the business term called user as an end user? Thanks.
Good day Smith Miller. I'm here to answer your question.
End users are simply put the final consumers of a certain product. In business, end users may refer to the final customers of the product, as opposed to middle men and sample people who were recruited just to test the product. End users cannot be just defined as the buyers of the product because end users have a characteristic of not reselling the product.
For example, if a business manufactured laundry soap, the one who buys them in retail to be just to be sold on a grocery store are not the end users, rather, the end users are the moms who buys the soap to wash their dirty laundry at home with no purpose of reselling it.
Hope I helped you. Thank you.
End users can be termed as the one who uses the finished product. Its a wide term in economics or commerce the one who purchases the product is the end user and in IT end user is the one who uses software and hardware after it has been fully developed, marketed, and installed.
Generally, the terms "user" and "end user" mean the same thing but if you really want to know deeply about why user called end user then read the following blog link by Galen Gruman.
Hope it will help.
End User is a term used in the Information Technology to define the person mainly using the software or hardware products without the intention of reselling it. In which these software or hardware products where designed by the programmers or developers for the purpose that it will be useful for the end user.
For example, iPhone is a line of smartphones designed, marketed and advertised by different companies. It has different hardware and software applications. In business the designer nor the marketer,who will resell the iPhone, are not the end user but the person who will be using the smartphones.