Definition of Meta Data and its Usage

In common terms, metadata stores data about the formation, background and logic of raw data, and computers help to sort out and recognize data, show it in a meaningful sequence.
The Worldwide Web (WWW) has usage of metadata to new levels and the tags used in HTML and XML are a form of metadata, even though they import data frequently. Because the metadata is different for different people.
Please find below the most important three reasons for using Metadata:
Metadata is an explanation about other data. It consists of useful information about the item's content. An image is a good example as metadata is describing about the dimension of the image, the debth color and its resolution. Metadata were used by web pages in the form of meta tags such as the description and the keywords to describe the content of the web pages. Search engines use this when they add pages on their index. Data developers, Data Managers, Data Users, and Organizations use Metadata. It is commonly called as "data about data". It is important in comprehending information that is stored on data warehouses and to the XML-based web apps.