My question is regarding System Utilities. I want to know some information between a simple Defragmentation and "Defrag & Optimize" Mode. What are the procedures and techniques in performing the two? Lastly, Defrag & Optimize is disable by default, how can I enable it?
Defragmentation and Defrag & Optimize Mode
Simple defragmentation tends to analyze the data to defrag. This will calculate what time and how big the file is needed for fragmentation.
This reduce the large amount of disorganized contents, text and data storage. This will create larger space for storage and it compacts data into more impeded smaller files.
This gives more space to your hard drive and it' have more rooms for movements. By default, this is disabled by Windows. However, you can always ran the defragmentation anytime you want.
If you feel that your computer is slowing down, you can run this feature and it'll improve the performance in some ways.
Some files can't be move but it'll stay into 1 area. At least you get to know what files and how big that is not movable. In this case, you still have an idea how many data is available.
To enable this feature for defragmentation, do the steps below.
Go to start, then Start Search
Type disk defragmenter
A result will display above
Select on Disk Defragmenter
Click on Analyze or Defrag button