Dependency of HTTP sharing over internet development

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Internet is a global system of interconnected computer network by using the standard internet protocol suit (TCP/IP). The internet carries a vast range of information from various resource and services such as the inter-linked hypertex document of the world wide web (www) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.

A protocol used to request and transfer files, especially and webpage computer over the internet or other comupter network.

The Hypertex Transfer Protocol is a networking protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information system. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the world wide web.

HTTP functions as a request-response protocol.

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Dependency of HTTP sharing over internet development


HTTP or hyper text transfer protocol is a service running under network services in your operating system. This protocol depends on your network inter connection sharing and this was recognized through the web services which is automatically start in your operating system as a part of networking components. So this service or the hyper text transfer protocol runs under several services that depend on your network services.

When developing a web site or web page, all browsers can interpret then plain html or the hyper text mark-up language or the text used for formatting web pages. There are some languages in developing website that can not be interpreted directly in your web browser instead, the software or the service runs at the server side to translate the code into a readable format in all browsers. These services are known like PHP.

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