Description Of Counter Strike Cheats For Pc

Hi! I am a gamer and want some of the cheats of counter strike game for pc for enjoyment. So, Describe the cheats for counter strike game for PC?

Hi! I am a gamer and want some of the cheats of counter strike game for pc for enjoyment. So, Describe the cheats for counter strike game for PC?
There are almost all types of cheats available in counter-strike games. Some of that cheats are as follows:
• Auto Aim: sv_aim.
• Enables cheats: sv_cheats1
• Bots only buy snipers: bot_sniper_only
• Bots only use knives: bot_knives_only 1
• Full deleted scenes: cl_levellocks 16382
• Become invisible for the enemy: notarget
• Go through all walls: noclip
• Invincibility: god
• Kill all the bots: bot_kill
• Bots will not move: bot_zombie 1
• Bots buy only pistol: bot_pistols_only
• Bots go to a specific location: bot_goto_location
• Set the bots difficulty level: bot_difficulty
• Restart maps without losing any goals: restart
• To take your desired guns, the following codes are available:
weapon_ak47 gives AK-47
weapon_awp Gives the Arctic
spaceweapon_awp gives Arctic Sniper Rifle
weapon_xm1014 gives Benelli Xm1014
weapon_defuser gives Bomb Defuser
weapon_m4a1 gives Colt M4a1 Carbine
weapon_sg552 gives Commando
weapon_deagle gives Desert Eagle
weapon_elite gives Dual Berreta’s
weapon_flashbang gives Flashbang
weapon_p90 gives FN P90
weapon_glock18 gives Glock 18 pistol
weapon_g3sg1 gives H&K Sniper Rifle
weapon_hegrenade gives HE Grenade
weapon_kevlar gives Kevlar Vests
weapon_m3 gives M3 Super Shotgun
weapon_mac 10 gives MAC-1O
weapon_mp5navy gives MP5
weapon_nightvision gives Night vision goggles
weapon_m249 gives Para
weapon_scout gives Scout OP
weapon_sig550 gives SIG 550
weapon_p288 gives SIG p288
weapon_smokegrenade gives Smoke Grenade
weapon_aug gives Steyr Aug
weapon_ump45 gives Ump 45
weapon_usp gives Usp 45