Details of Big Jambox have revealed.

Jawbone has recently revealed the details of the Big Jambox which is 10 inches long and 3.1 inches wide. What would be the expected price of the Big Jambox?

Jawbone has recently revealed the details of the Big Jambox which is 10 inches long and 3.1 inches wide. What would be the expected price of the Big Jambox?
Popular small Bluetooth Jambox speaker has now on a roll. Recently the company has been revealed a bigger version of Jambox than the first on. It is called as Jawbone Big Jambox. Probably will coming on 15th instant, that means it’s coming on this may! But will it be creates much louder sound than the original one? About marketers, not. However this new device create a smooth interest to the music minds. May be it’s price will be $299.
But can it will give you more than apples iHome iP4 or other speaker docs exist in the market. A questions may be took place in your mind about the matter.
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