Detected processor is not supported

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi ally,

I give a try to setup my desktop without any help from hardware persons. It went good to some extent, setting and connecting is ok. I am able to boot my system and also getting an error saying processor is not supported. So did I make any mistake in installation? Are any errors in driver installation? Totally screwed, help needed.

The processor detected is not supported.

AMD Phenomâ„¢ II X6 1090T Processor.

Answered By 10 points N/A #178080

Detected processor is not supported


I think you can still login to your desktop by pressing F1. As long as you are using AMD processor supported family list of AMD motherboards, this type of error can be avoided. You may also check the frequency and model of the CPU. Most likely the error is taking place owing to compatibility issue of your AMD processor with the existing motherboard.

Few options of motherboard that are normally compatible with the AMD processor version that you are using are given below.

ASUS M4A78L-M 760G AMD Motherboard 

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