Development of alphabets using unity 3d for android?

Is there any development so far of the development of alphabets using unity 3d for Android? I need an application with this funtionality.

Is there any development so far of the development of alphabets using unity 3d for Android? I need an application with this funtionality.
Hi Christ,
I am glad you asked, I am so much into development of games for mobiles both on IOS and on android platform. From my research and experience so far, I have not come across any development or talks of a new era in the development of alphabets for the android cross platform.
From what I can see is that, Unity 3D is making good progress in the field of application development and also game development, but the development of a keyboard has stopped with the stock which came with the first version of android which is dated long back. So I would like to make it short, there is no development in the development of an android keyboard from unity 3d for the time being.
Bell Keny