Difference between Alpha and Beta testing.

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What is the difference between Alpha testing and Beta testing?

Some websites have a 'Beta' next to the site name.

Does that mean that  they are being Beta tested at that moment?

Why is there never an 'Alpha' next to web names?

Best Answer by Rasoda_Frak
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Answered By 0 points N/A #146832

Difference between Alpha and Beta testing.


Hi there,

Developers use the terms Alpha testing and Beta Testing to tell the end users that the product is not yet entirely ironed out, the terms though does have different meanings.

Alpha Testing: Alpha Testing is the practice of testing the software thoroughly before it is released to the general public by the developers. The either use software based debuggers or hardware based debuggers. The goal of Alpha testing is to catch and remedy any bugs that may be caught in the operation of the program.

Beta Testing: Beta testing follows Alpha testing, in this scenario the “beta version” of the software is released to a limited number of people where public tests are performed so that further testing can ensure that the product has few bugs. Beta versions are sometimes “open” to a limited number of people of groups in order to receive as much feedback as possible.

The goal of this scenario is to maximize the number of potential customers.

Answered By 0 points N/A #146833

Difference between Alpha and Beta testing.


The Alpha and Beta testing are the two different phases of the software development Process.

Alpha Testing: is the testing done by developers when development phase is completed and it is done when 80% bugs are fixed.

The core functionality of this testing is that accept input and generate required output during this phase software does not contain full functionality as required by application.

Beta Testing: it is the last stage of testing .when product is sent outside the company. The testing done by client sometimes trial versions are released to the public to increase feedback Fields for the future users.

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