Difference between and

Both gives emphasis to a text and both makes a text in bold style, but what's the difference between the two? Does it have something to do with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Both gives emphasis to a text and both makes a text in bold style, but what's the difference between the two? Does it have something to do with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Hello, You are interested about to know the difference between < b > and < strong >. Actually these are basic code for HTML. Both are using for change style of any font as bold. But if you want explanation about these code, i will tell that is explicit. It specify bold respectively. is only apply for change font styling and should no longer be used. have not been deprecated in HTML5. On the other hand are semantic.
It is specify the enclosed text or any supported content should be strong as bold. is allow for the perfect styling to be controlled by css. It is preferred in modern web content. Basically command is perfect in HTML5. I think you got proper explanation which you want.
The HTML strong tag, <strong></strong>, is used in pair and should always have the closing tag </strong>. It is a phrase tag which defines strong text or important text and adds semantic "strong" importance. The strong tag is not deprecated but you can have a possible richer effect when CSS is applied. In HTML 4.01, this tag defines strong emphasized text.
But in the HTML5 specification, it defines important text. The strong tag is supported in all major web browsers like Google Chrome, Windows Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Opera. The HTML bold tag, <b></b>, specifies bold text. It is used in pair and should always have the closing tag </b>. The bold tag is used the same way both in HTML 4.01 and in HTML5.
It is supported in all major web browsers like Google Chrome, Windows Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Opera. The bold tag should be used as a last option if no other tag is more appropriate, according to the HTML5 specification.
It further states that headings should be indicated with the <h1> to <h6> tags, <em> tag should be used to indicate emphasized text, <strong> tag should be used to indicate important text, and the <mark> tag should be used to indicate marked or highlighted text.