Difference between black box and white box testing

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Can anyone answer my question. I want to know the difference between black box and white box testing. 

Best Answer by Johnstoon Leen
Answered By 0 points N/A #162929

Difference between black box and white box testing



There are many differences  between black box and white box testing. White box  testing is nothing but where you test each line of software code otherwise in black box testing you just able to test the outlook and out function of the software. Though these two types of testing use for different purposes but you need to know the difference to be a software testing engineer.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #162930

Difference between black box and white box testing


Hi Dark Toz


Black Box Testing
  1. It is a software testing method in which the internal structure, design and implementation of that item which is being tested is not known to the tester.
  2. It mainly apply to higher level of testing’s e.g., (Acceptance Testing and System Testing)
  3. Its responsibilities are: Generally and Independent software tester
  4. Programming knowledge not required
  5. Implementation knowledge not required
  6. It is requires Requirement specification test cases.
White Box Testing
  1. It is a software testing method in which the internal structure, design and implementation of that item which is being tested is known to the tester.
  2. It mainly apply to lower level of testing’s e.g., (Unit Testing and Integration Testing)
  3. Its responsibilities are: Generally and software Developers
  4. Programming knowledge required
  5. Implementation knowledge required
  6. It is requires Detail Design test cases.
Johnstoon Leen

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