Difference between half-duplex mode and full duplex mode

In half-duplex modes, both station on the network can transmit data but not at the same time.
If one station is sending data then other station should wait. However in half-duplex mode both station have capabilities for send and receive data.
Walkie-talkies are the example for Half-duplex.
In Full-duplex mode, both stations can transmit data at the same time.
Telephone line is the example for Full-duplex mode.
Thank You
John Major.
Hi Dear,
Duplex Modes are the terms of Communication system.
Duplex means doubling or duel communication.
In Half-Duplex Mode two devices on the network or any two devices linked with one another cannot send data in single time. Or in simple words both devices cannot transmit data at the same moment.
Wireless transmitters using by Police or Army is the Best example of this.
In Full Duplex mode both the devices can transmit data at the same moment.
Mobile Phone is the Best Example of this.