Difference Between Help Desk and Service Desk: Which one is Best?

Many times I have heard people using terms Help Desk and Service Desk. What is the difference between Help Desk and Service Desk? Which one is more beneficial to the company?

Many times I have heard people using terms Help Desk and Service Desk. What is the difference between Help Desk and Service Desk? Which one is more beneficial to the company?
There is a difference between Help Desk and Service Desk. Help Desk is the point of contact for IT support. It resolves the customer's problem within less time. It is a service level agreement.
It creates the database or monthly or annual reports on problems faced by the user. This kind of reports have the information related to the number of troubles, time to respond to queries and time took to resolve it.
It focuses on end user needs. A Service Desk is the single point contact between IT service management and users. It focuses on corporate strategy. It has service level management.