Difference between Java 2 SDK software and JDK software

What is the difference between Java 2 SDK software and JDK software?Did they differ in features? Please help. Thanks!Â

What is the difference between Java 2 SDK software and JDK software?Did they differ in features? Please help. Thanks!Â
In Java technology,
The SDK stands for Software development kit
JDK stands for Java a development kit
J2SDK stands for Java 2 software development kit
Java 2SDK and JDK, technically speaking is no different and refers to same components of the development kit. It seems that after installation of files, SDK assumes a size of approximately 80 M whereas JDK assumes approximately 200 M.
Please remember that JDK is the normal Java development files, whereas J2SDK consists of JDK along with the SUN application server.
J2EE SDK however comprises of JDK components for J2EE applications along with the Sun application server.
Hello Seth,