Difference between Java and JavaScript

Java and java script are both the programming language. Obviously at first java was developed, the main difference between both is Object. Java takes everything as object thus it is called as object oriented.
Whereas JavaScript is not object oriented and it is scripting language. Your second question is about scripting, so java script is a vast language and you can make many different scripts. Just follow the link and it will teach you java script from basic to advance.
The link is this http://www.pagetutor.com/javascript/index.html it is basically free tutor of java script and similarly you can also learn java for free.
The difference between java and java script is that java applets run as stand alone program while java script run in conjunction with HTML on web browser, the similarities is that both of them are object oriented languages.Java and Java script differ in the syntax for creating variables and functions
.In java a user declares function similar to traditional programming languages.
On java the programmer creates variables by declaring a data type before a name while on java script it uses generic variables and data conversion. It is not necessary mean that if your using java script in your web browser you already need to use java sometimes they use other applications that can also run in java, java applets are usually create for games in mobile phones or other application which is needed for.