Difference between LCD and LED screen and which is better to use

I have both LED and LCD monitors but I can not understand what is the different between them.
Anyone knows what is the difference exactly? which is better among the two?

I have both LED and LCD monitors but I can not understand what is the different between them.
Anyone knows what is the difference exactly? which is better among the two?
Fundamentally LED and LCD screens are practically the same. Their design are both based on the same image displaying technology, but where they differ significantly is in the kind of backlighting that either make use of. LED screens make use of light emitting diodes while LCD screens make use of cold cathode fluorescent lamps for its backlighting. This is the most basic of differences between the two so in reality LED screens are a type of LCD screen. You can see the difference between the two backlighting when you play around with the contrast and color accuracy of your monitor.
In short LED screens have a slight edge over LCD screens when it comes to picture quality, the one main drawback about LED screens is that its power consumption is much higher than its LCD counterpart. Also between the two LED screens are the better choice as a computer monitor due to the fact that LED screens do not have any screen burn in problems as compared to LCD monitors.
There are two types of LED back lighting techniques used.
The first type uses LEDs placed behind the LCD TV or monitor screens, while the second uses LEDs placed around the monitor rim, from where light is made to diffuse behind the screen. Since LEDs are placed around the rim on edge LED monitors, they can be a lot slimmer than conventional LCDs.
LCD or the Liquid Crystal Display and LED or Light Emitting Diode are the two display technologies that are commonly used today. LED is the technological innovation of the LCD. LED are the LCD displays with a LED backlight to power up LCD. Anyway, pay a visit this Techyv post to get more information.