Difference Between Linked List And Stack In Detail
I want to know the main difference between linked list and stack in detail? Which of these two is more efficient?
I want to know the main difference between linked list and stack in detail? Which of these two is more efficient?
Stack is linear sort of data arrangement, i.e. they are arranged in linear style. In a stack, anything is stored. It works in LIFO method (Last in first out). In a stack, you cannot insert any element in between. They are similar to a stack of coins, i.e. if you wish to take the last coin, then all the upper coins have to be detached one by one.
The Link list is not a linear type of data structure. Here, you can get any element. In Link list, you on the whole use of pointers, one to stock up the rate of the inconsistent and other to stock up the address of the subsequent node