Difference between switches and routers
Hi everyone,
I need to be clarified about the two networking devices, that is network switch and router.
Could you please differentiate between the two network devices.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
I need to be clarified about the two networking devices, that is network switch and router.
Could you please differentiate between the two network devices.
Thank you.
Hi riya,
Hi Riya,
Switches and routers both join multiple computers to one internet connection. They also connect to each other for high speed file sharing. Routers allot computers with IP addresses and also offer some essential fire walling.
On the other hand Switches are used to enlarge routers or be attached to a server.
Routers generally have four ports as switches can have up to 32 or more.
Hello Riya,
Thanks that you have shared your problem.
Dear switch and router both are the network sharing devices.
The switch can only share a network connection. It just links more than one computer with each other.
And the router is a much better device than the switch.
The router is also known as most intelligent device. It provides internet facility as well as sharing the connections.
It provides the fastest path to the flow of data.
In other words,
Router = Switch + Internet etc.
Hello Dear Riya Austin,
It is so simple to clear your concept. Dear there are two devices used in networking.
1. Switches
2. Routers
Switches are those devices that are used to connect two or more devices or computers with each other.
These switches can provide only linking with one another facility.
Whereas routers are different in working. Routers are also called most intelligent device. It transfers data to a short and easy way so that data transfers fast and with 0% or minimum lose.
Routers provides internet facilities.
Companies gives us DSL device to use the internet these are routers.