Asked By
40 points
Posted on - 06/28/2011
Hi guys,
M. Smith here. Please answer both parts. What is the difference between SYMMETRIC and DIRECT process communication?
What is the difference between excelp() and wait() systems call?
Difference between SYMMETRIC and DIRECT process communication
Hello my name is John Sena and I am a Master of Computer Sciences. During my studies I also faced that types of problems but I studied different types of books and got their answers. Ok now the answer of your question is that In Direct communication, the sender directly send the message to the receiver. Similar sized messages are passed from the sender to the receiver is symmetric communication through message passing.
The answer of second part of your question is Execlp () system call is used after fork system call by any process (parent or child). This system call will replace the calling process's memory space with a new program. Wait system call suspends the calling program until one of its immediate children terminates.
Answered By
5 points
Difference between SYMMETRIC and DIRECT process communication
Hi Good day,
I will share to you about the different between systematic process communication,
1. What is the difference between SYMMETRIC and DIRECT process communication?
All I know this is a software that develop the method and standards for the exchange of information and to use of communication for the Defense, healthcare, financial and public sectors via transmissions over data communications networks or via shared database. And the context. Of particular messages, database records, or applications in which they currently appear.
2. What is the difference between excelp() and wait() systems call?
Excelp() will perform the same purpose except that it will use environment variable path to determine which executable to process. Thus a fully qualified path name would not have to be used. The first argument to the function could instead be "ls". The function excelp() can also take the fully qualified name as it also resolves explicitly.
Wait(): Blocks calling process until the child process terminates. If child process has already terminated, the wait() call returns immediately. This function blocks the calling process until one of its child processes exits or a signal is received. For the purpose, wait() takes the address of an integer variable and returns the process ID of the completed process. Some flags that indicate the completion status of the child process are passed back with the integer pointer. One of the main purposes of wait() is to wait for completion of child processes.
Hope you can get my point.
Thank you.