Asked By
40 points
Posted on - 06/27/2011
Hi guys, M. Smith here.
I have two questions, please help me.
(a) Tell me What is the difference between THROUGHPUT and TURNAROUND TIME?
(b) Also tell me that What is the difference between statically linked and Dynamically Linked executable files?
My name is John Sena and I am a Master of Computer Sciences. During my studies I also faced that types of problems but I studied different types of books and got their answers. Ok now the answer of your question is that the time around time is the interval between time of submission and time of completion of a process.
With the help of scheduling we want to minimize the turn around time. The number of processes completed per unit time is called throughput of the system. One of the benefits of scheduling is that maximum processes can be completed at a given time. This is related to maximizing the CPU utilization.
Ok the second part of your question is that When procedures /libraries are linked with the program at compile time, then this linkage is called Statically linkage while are linked at run time, then its called as Dynamically linkage.
Hope you will be understand. Good bye.