Difference between Website and Web Application

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What is the main difference between a Website and a Web Application? I need an answer quickly, please.


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Answered By 40 points N/A #128311

Difference between Website and Web Application


A world wide web (WWW) site is a collection of Web pages. Web pages are made using Hypertext markup language (HTML/XHTML). Those pages can be access generally using HTTP on the Internet. The pages of a Web site are accessible from a common root URL. Every website has a home page and hosted from the web server.

Web Applications are very popular and widely used by the users. It is an application which is developed by software engineers according to user requirements. Web applications give services to users from a web server using a network or the internet / intranet facility.

The main reasons of Web application's popularity are everywhere availability of the web browser as a client, also called as a thin client. We don’t need to distribute and install software on potentially thousands of client computers for updating and maintaining the web applications. There are many uses of web applications such as to implement web mail, online auctions, online retail sales, discussion boards and to execute many other functions.

Answered By 0 points N/A #128312

Difference between Website and Web Application


Hello John,

A short description of what a website is and a web application. Basically a Website is composed of related web pages like HTML, DHTML, XML containing information such as images, audio, video and other digital assets. A website can be accessed using the address bar by just typing the URL(Uniform resource locator). A website is hosted by a web server before it can be accessible to the internet 
In contrast, a Web Application is a software that is hosted by a browser controlled environment like java or coded in languages like JavaScript which is a client side scripting combined or embed along with HTML. Web applications are often attached to web pages. Examples of this are widgets like weather, time and converter. It also includes online auctions, web mail and games. Examples of games are those found on Facebook.
A web application could be on the internet which will be viewed and discovered by people using the internet and it could be on the intranet where it only has limited users like a private organization or just a stand alone application on a private or personal computer.
Answered By 0 points N/A #128313

Difference between Website and Web Application



I am Jennielyn Campos and I am an Information Technology student. I would like to share some thoughts about your posted question.

A Website is a place where you can place or flag images and video. To use a website you need to be connected to the Internet. A Website also needs a URL. You can use a website for business, public and private purposes. A Website make you feel free. You can express your emotions and feelings on your own website. A Website can be created by individual or group. And it is also available to the whole world 24 hours a day. 

A Web Application is a host so you can use your website. Email, online selling sites are examples of web applications. This application also uses a web browser. This application is based on a client-server architecture because once you've enter a data or information it stores in the system and you can also retrieve it if you like.

Answered By 0 points N/A #128314

Difference between Website and Web Application


A website usually is the interface through which the people interact with your business/company online. Web sites typically provide information with a limited amount of advanced functionality. Simple websites are primarily static where the content and data displayed is the same for every visitor and hardly web content changed. More advanced websites are dynamic websites and may support features like E-Commerce, content management. On dynamic website data keeps changing just as the price of products and comments of the customers.

A web application or Rich Internet Application (RIA) includes a website component. But web applications have more features of advanced functionality to replace or make any change in existing business processes without something installing. The main design objective of a web application is to simulate the intuitive. It immediately interacts a user which is using the application. Web applications integrate with existing business. Most of the IT infrastructure; such as stock management systems or accounting packages integrate with web applications to give user immediate updates.

Answered By 0 points N/A #128315

Difference between Website and Web Application


Hi John, 

With regard to your question, let me start by defining what a website is:
A web site, as denoted by its root words, WEB, short for the World Wide Web or Web and SITE, a location or a geographical place, when put together will mean a location on the Web. Websites are accessible via its website address with the help of Web Browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox and of course a connection to network is required, either through Intranet or internet .
A Web site is basically a collection of web pages. These Web pages are available through a Uniform Source Locator (URL), commonly known as the Home Page, and from there you have access to data offered by the website such as documents or images. Web Page developers use HTML(Hyper Text Mark-Up Language) to display these data on a Web Page. Usual content of web sites are informational and only requires the input of username and password to gain access to.
But nowadays, web sites are also widely used as a venue for web applications. This is due primarily to minimal deployment; the application doesn’t require to be installed to every computer so, if an upgrade is necessary only an upgrade on the server side is required. Another reason is that it supports greater cross platform compatibility because they only require a web browser to work.
So, to simplify, a website is the location of the web app, and the web app is what you really need to make things done. You cannot access a web app without getting to the website first. 
Answered By 40 points N/A #128316

Difference between Website and Web Application


Thank you all for your patience in taking time to explain this so well to me.

Love this website!

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