Differences between SSD and HDD?

My Laptop has a Solid State Drive, and my Desktop PC has a Hard Disk Drive. What are the differences between two storage devices? Are they interchangeable? Can the SSD be used with a desktop and vice versa? Thanks.

My Laptop has a Solid State Drive, and my Desktop PC has a Hard Disk Drive. What are the differences between two storage devices? Are they interchangeable? Can the SSD be used with a desktop and vice versa? Thanks.
SSD= a hard drive that is comparable to a USB attach in the way that it can be dropped and is motionless fine, it runs at inferior voltages so saves you cash, is a lot earlier in most conditions but some cheaper ones can be a bit slower . These can assortment from 200-1000 dollars and are mostly planned for laptops. This is immobile new skill and the price will come down over time and will finally be used in most/all computers.
Hard disks have a little metal disk rotating approximately very fast (5,400-15,000rpm). They are written on by a little pin like thing (think of it like a record player). So if it gets dropped it’s normally departed, disk is bent or there's a hole during it or comparable. They are a lot cheaper 40-300 dollars and are normally a lot superior in capability being up to a terabyte in storage space vs. 128 being a large disk for SSD.
the difference between HDD and SSD is explained by the first post. in addition to your question HDD is great in big files but slower speeds on booting up while SSD is also great for big files but faster speed on booting up. now i will explain to you your next 2 questions. are they interchangeable? & Can the SSD be used with a desktop and vice versa?
YES, they are. but you can use SSD with or without any HDD. you can use SSD as your back up if you only have 1 HDD in your desktop. you can install an Operating System in your SSD e.g(windows7), incase your HDD got corrupted or damage, you still got your SSD to repair your HDD. HDD are the main storage of a desktop pc, but some use both of them, some SSD's have a size of just like a normal flash disk drive(USB). SSD's are a very portable storage device if you have large amounts of data to be stored. but SSD's are more likely hard to setup if you don't have knowledge in a computer hardware,
for a desktop, you need to connect it to a motherboard for electricity and connect it to the HDD, or as I have said, with or without hdd, you can still use your SSD, you have to connect it in the right plugs/sockets to make the desktop read the SSD.
for an idea or comparison of HHD and SSD on a laptop. here's a video from YouTube.
i suggest you use both SSD and HDD. SSD has faster speed when booting up your pc than a HDD. and you can use your HDD in storing big files.
here's another comparison of SSD and HDD