What are the differences in terms of usage between the Lightweight Data Interchange Format, Data Exchange (LDIFDE) and Comma Separated Value Data Exchange (CSVDE)?
And also, what are the roles of the Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO)?
Which of them is creating an error?
What would be the effects if one of them failed?
Differences of Scripts for Windows Server 2003
Those are login scripts, and as the name says they are basically scripts that are launched when you log on to the computer.
The scripts are usually command shell scripts which can also be referred to as DOS batch file, they can also be visual basic scripts. But the script can be anything just as long as the client that is being used has an interpreter that will read those scripts.
When it comes to LightweightData Interchange Format,Data Exchange, you will note that it has line-separated values between each record, and thus that data is not suitable for spreadsheets.
As for the Comma Separated Value Data Exchange, you will note that is uses a comma-delimited file that has LDAP fields in the first row, and then followed by rows of account data, and therefore excel will be a good vehicle to hold and manipulate CSVDE files.
Clair Charles