The different between Sony Playstation 3 Move and Nintendo Wii-mote

The Playstation 3's Move and the Nintendo Wii's WiiMote: Two controllers that looks the same but has many differences
First off, the Wiimote of the Nintendo Wii is one of its primary controllers. Which means that all the games released on the first months of the Nintendo Wii mainly uses the WiiMote. The Playstation3 however, started as a pure gaming platform with the traditional button controller. Another difference is that the Playstation 3’s Move Controller has few buttons compared to the Nintendo WiiMote.
This is mainly because again, the Move is not the primary controller, unlike Nintendo Wii’s. This is a primary advantage of the Move, because the player will not get confused on the different buttons used on a game. Unlike the WiiMote that has buttons on both the top and button regions of it. Another advantage of the Move controller is that it is more accurate compared to Nintendo’s WiiMote. The Nintendo WiiMote will only become more accurate if you purchase and attach a small device called the Wii Motion Plus.
And last but certainly not the least, is that the Playstation 3’s Move Controller has a glowing orb, which is useful in telling different states of the game. The WiiMote does not have that, which makes the WiiMote just a plain motion controller without proper feedback to the user.