Different Types Of DOS Attacks And Their Difference

What are the different types of DOS attacks? Are they the same? In what way do they differ from each other?

What are the different types of DOS attacks? Are they the same? In what way do they differ from each other?
There are two basic types of DOS attacks:
1. Application layer attack: It is a layer 7 attack that aims at overloading a server by sending many requests simultaneously requiring handling and processing.
2. Network layer attack: They are layer 3-4 attacks that aim at clogging the pipelines that connect our network. They are used to deny access to our servers and also cause severe operational damages.
DoS attacks can be generally separated into networking-related attacks and OS-related attacks based on the www.irchelp.org article. For OS-related attacks, older Mac OS and Microsoft Windows 95/Microsoft Windows NT are vulnerable. However, most vendors of operating systems have already fixed the problem in their latest versions and provide patches for their vulnerable operating system.
For networking-related attacks, there are countless security holes which an opponent can take advantage of to initiate a DoS attack like for example the SYN flooding, as pointed out in Steven Bellovin's famous paper "Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite". The types of DoS attack include the following: