What is cloud computing? Why is it used and for what are the different purposes related to it? Also, discuss the various benefits related to the usage of cloud storage? What are the different types of cloud computing services?
Different Types Of Cloud Computing Services
Cloud computing is a technology through which one can make use of the network of various servers of hardware and servers of hardware and servers that consist of information provided by a host and is accessible from anywhere in the world by providing the right credentials instead of the conventional method of storing the same on local servers. It is mainly used for providing convenient storage and computing processes for various files.
The various benefits it comes with are, files can be accessed from anywhere, servers are easily maintained, cost-effective and data is easily protected. Various types include Iaas ( Infrastructure as a service) that provides data storage services, Next is Paas (platform as a service) that provides development platform, and the last is SaaS ( Software as a service) which provides software access.