Directions To Install DirectX 9.0c For Windows 8 On My PC.

Hi, I want to DirectX 9.0c for Windows 8 to be able to play the games. Their minimum requirements have specified to use the given version of DirectX. From where can I download it?

Hi, I want to DirectX 9.0c for Windows 8 to be able to play the games. Their minimum requirements have specified to use the given version of DirectX. From where can I download it?
DirectX contains many tools that help to run various programs on Windows. The newer versions support the latest apps and games. To install DirectX 9.0 on Windows 8:
If you want to install a game and it requires Microsoft DirectX 9.0c and you have Windows 8, you cannot install Microsoft DirectX 9.0c. Microsoft Windows 8 comes with a much newer version of Microsoft DirectX way higher than Microsoft DirectX 9.0c. Windows 8 ships with Microsoft DirectX 11.1.
Since the game you want to install requires an old Microsoft DirectX 9.0c, I don’t think the game is compatible with your operating system. Check the system requirements of the game to make sure it is compatible with your computer. The one you want to install, Microsoft DirectX 9.0c, is available only for Microsoft Windows XP.
Microsoft DirectX is a built-in component of Microsoft Windows and it cannot be uninstalled but can be updated. If you have Windows 8, you should upgrade to Windows 8.1 to have a continued support. This will also update Microsoft DirectX to version 11.2. If you really want to install the game, download VirtualBox and install it on your Windows 8 and then create a virtual machine.
On that virtual machine, install Windows XP. When Windows XP is now running on the virtual machine, you may now install your game on Windows XP.