Hello experts,
DirectX render cluster error problem. When I tried to render something from a software it was not successful for there are some cases about DirectX, do I have to install a DirectX? I am using windows 7 starter operating system. Give me a hand on this. Thank you.
Directx render cluster error problem.
To solve cluster problem of Direct X render, follow some simple steps:
First uninstall Direct X from your computer and restart computer.
Then install Direct X again, you should have to keep in mind that you should have to install latest version because if you will install old one, problem will not be solved.
Directx render cluster error problem.
First check you have a full version of the software you are using then check your Direct X by going to RUN and then type dxdiag it will show you Direct X files, version and other related info. Look for any error and you will be able to solve the problem. Other wise you need to install a new version of Direct X.
 Smith Thompson.