Discovering faster ways of applying transitions to PowerPoint slides

Firstly, let me know which version of Power point are you using.
Let me guess Microsoft Power Point 2003.
If so, you have the following.
Slide Transitions are meant for the jump of one site to another while in Slide Show. This version can show you a preview without Slide Shows. You can get it at "Animations" Menu and see "Transitions to this slide" You can choose a number of effects from there in which appear during slide shows.
You can customize the sound to be played while slides are in transition and whether the effects occur fast or slowly. You can also configure whether you use change of slide "On Mouse Click" or it should automatically change after some time.Â
In order that you need to change the transition for more than one slide, Click menu "View" > "Normal". Slides appears in small at the left. Here you click on one slide, press Ctrl+click on another slide to select one or more slides. then apply the above transitions for selected slides.
In order to apply to all slides, you can find it in the Animations > Apply to All. Â
The following will help you add transition to your slide if you are using a Powerpoint Window 7
1. Select slide you want to add in the transition in the slide pane
2. Click slide show
3. Click slide transition
4. In effect list box, mark checkerboard across.
5. Click the medium option button to select a speed for the transition.
5. Click apply to all button.
Now to add timing to the slide:
1. Select slide you want to add timing
2. Click slide show
3.Click slide transition
4. Click check box next to automatically after
5. In the seconds box, type the number of seconds to stay on the slide
6. Click apply.