Disk checking on my computer

Every time we open our computer there's a warning always coming and says Disk checking on files F.. press any key to cancel disk checking within 9 seconds. Why is this happening before logging in?

Every time we open our computer there's a warning always coming and says Disk checking on files F.. press any key to cancel disk checking within 9 seconds. Why is this happening before logging in?
The error message is showing because there are some system files missing on your current operating system. The files can be missing because of virus attack or somehow by any other reason, but, nothing to worry because the error is not severe. The error message says you to perform the disk checking every time you turn your computer on. If you want to get rid of this problem there is a very easy thing to do.
Just go to your My Computer and enable the “Scan and Fix system errors” and then the system automatically restarts and checks your disks and fixes all the errors associated. If the system cannot fix the errors then you have to simply setup your operating system.
I hope this information will be helpful for you.
Actually a warning about Disk checking coming in the opening time of the computer when we cannot / don't properly shut down computer. It may cause when we have no UPS backup in the time of electricity interrupt. Sometime we directly restart computer by pressing restart button. For this reason it may create some bad sector in the hard drive. The computer check disk of bad sector in the opening time.