Hi there,
I just bought a new USB driver and it worked just fine for a week and today I experienced this error when I tried to copy some files from it. Any solution ? Can anyone tell me please if I can fix this error ? Why I have this ?
Thanks !
Disk is not formatted
Windows cannot read from this disk. The disk might be corrupted, or it could be using a format that is not compatible with Windows.
Disk is not formatted when trying to open
There are many ways to diagnose the problem and to fix it.
One way to fix this problem is to reinstall or upgrade drivers, by the following methods.
Open the "Run" dialog box from "Start."
Type in "devmgmt.Msc" and press "Enter"
In device manager, select "expand (device name) drivers"
Right click the "device name" and click "Uninstall"
Confirm it and then press "OK"
Now reboot the computer.
When you restart computer, the drivers will be reinstalled automatically.
If the problem persists, there is another way to solve the problem. That is to create a registry subkey. For this purpose
you have to run windows as administrator.
It is a bit risky, so, you should "back up the registry for restoration"
Follow the stops below.
Open "Run" and type in "regedit" and click "OK"
By following the path ( HKEY_LOCAL_Machine system current control set service atapi )
Right click "atapi" select "New" then select "Key"
Type in "Controller 0" and press "Enter"
Right click "Enum device 1" then press "Enter"
Right click "Enum device 1" and click "modify"
Change the value from "0" to "1"
Click "OK", and close registry editor
Reboot the computer