Today I bought a new PC so it’s clean with a good configuration. I’ve installed AutoCAD 2014 and when I want to open the program this error appears and closes the application. My VGA driver is up to date. Any solution for this error ? How can I solve this ?
Thank you !
AutoCAD LT- Missing or Corrupt Display Driver
A display driver file (.hdi) is missing or has been corrupted. The program will be closed. This problem may be caused by missing .hdi files in the following location:
A display driver file hdi is missing or has been corrupted
I don’t think this error is related to your video card because, in the first place, AutoCAD LT 2014 doesn’t have a specific requirement for the graphics accelerator. It can be used on any video card that supports 1024 x 768 screen resolution with true color. Another possible cause for this error is compatibility even if it says that the problem is with the video card.
If you are installing AutoCAD LT 2014, the lowest possible version of Microsoft Windows that this application supports is Windows XP. Since this is the case, make sure you are running Windows XP or higher. AutoCAD LT 2014 is available in 32-bit and 64-bit editions. If you’ll be installing the x86 AutoCAD LT 2014, it supports x86 Windows XP [Home or Professional] Service Pack 3, Windows 7 [Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional, or Home Premium], Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 [Standard, Enterprise, or Professional].
For x64 AutoCAD LT 2014, it supports x64 Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 or higher, Windows 7 [Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional, or Home Premium], Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 [Standard, Enterprise, or Professional]. In case you are running Microsoft Windows Vista, you cannot use AutoCAD LT 2014.
A display driver file hdi is missing or has been corrupted
At first, re-install your display drivers and update to the latest version possible. Then, try to run the program.
If still not fixed,
- Right-click on the ACAD shortcut >> select “Properties”.
- From the “Target Field”, change the string:
“C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2014\acad.exe” /NOHARDWARE /product ACAD /language “en-US
Now, start the program. AutoCAD should start normally as before.
A display driver file hdi is missing or has been corrupted
Is this the first time you encountered this error? It may be because you installed a corrupt software. Try to do the following steps:
- Uninstall AutoCAD 2014.
- Download it again from the Subscription Home.
- Reinstall the software.
Alternatively, you may also do the following steps:
- Visit www.autodesk.com/hardware.
- Find the supported driver for your video card and update its driver.
You may also disable your hardware acceleration in AutoCAD or reset AutoCAD to its default settings.