What are the distinct features between Huawei P8 and Huawei P8max? Which of these two smartphones can be nominated for best model design so far by Huawei? With respect to performance and battery life, which of these two smartphones would you advise me to use? Can you list the brands of smartphones which fall below for both Huawei P8 and Huawei P8max still considering battery life and performance?
Distinct Features Between Huawei P8 And Huawei P8max
Huawei P8 and Huawei P8Max are phones manufactured by the same company with similar features but distinct features as well. The two phones share the same operating system, Android 5.0.2 , same camera features, 13MP for the back camera. The battery life for Huawei phones is arguably one of the best in the current smartphone industry. Huawei P8 is a 5.2 inch smartphone with a battery capacity of 2680 amps.The phone has a High resolution display with an 8MP front camera.The phone weighs in at 144 grams. Huawei P8 Max is a 6.8 inch phone, with a front camera of 5MP. The phone weighs at 228 grams. The battery capacity is at 4360 amps.
Based of the type of phone you want, the one that is easy to handle with one hand, carry around and still give you more better picture and the design, i would advise you to go for the Huawei P8 smartphone. It is light and the design is good. The P8 is already in the market while the P8 Max is yet for release.
Other brands that fall in this category are the Samsung S6, Sony Xperia Z3, HTC M9, LG G3. These phones were all released in 2015. They all have similar characteristics.