DNS Server is not responding

I am using 1 Mb DSL package. But from a few days I cannot use it because it is not connecting to the Network. When I diagnose it.
Please give me the solution because Windows cannot repair this problem.

I am using 1 Mb DSL package. But from a few days I cannot use it because it is not connecting to the Network. When I diagnose it.
Please give me the solution because Windows cannot repair this problem.
Are you using the DNS of your ISP to name resolution ?
What is your Network environment ? Do you have AD, DNS integrated Environment ? What is your IP configuration ? Did you make any changes to the DSL modem software ? or did you reset your DSL modem software ? Unfortunately I can't see your attachment. If you can give me some more information about your DNS problem I can help you.
You can do following thing to test is easily:
To ping :
There can be more and more reasons for this, if you can give me more details I will be able to specifically help.
Here's how to check this settings
Then try browsing the Internet.
That means the server is failing to give you data or your network connection isn’t able to reach the server to get the data. It is a common problem nowadays. Provide all solutions are good but as well these remedy you can also visit this techyv page too.
Error 105: The Server Could Not Be Found while Surfing the Net