Do clipart numbers for birthdays decrease the pain of growing old?

How many of us now use clipart to send birthday greetings cards. Are we more wont to use them instead of the old handmade way because they are easily available?

How many of us now use clipart to send birthday greetings cards. Are we more wont to use them instead of the old handmade way because they are easily available?
Hi there Isabellagregorey,
I think if someone celebrates his/her birthday it’s no really important whether you use clipart greeting cards or you made in on your own.
As long as you remember his/her birthday and celebrate it together. Remembering and celebrating his/her birthday what really counts.
It’s the thought that really counts. Using clipart cards doesn’t decrease the pain of growing old but for you to remember his/her birthday that really counts.
It really shows that you love the person.
Hope this enlighten you .