Do Mac machine get virus??

I am using a windows machine now i thinking to buy a new mac machine.
Do mac machine get virus?

I am using a windows machine now i thinking to buy a new mac machine.
Do mac machine get virus?
Hello anisha,
It's good that you have planned to buy a mac machine,
Apple Macintosh can get virus but if we compare it to Microsoft Windows.Â
There is very less chances in mac machines of getting virus.
In fact, many mac users are not even using antivirus programs.
Do you have any idea why mac machines have less possibilities of having virus?
Yeah definitely i can tell you.
Below are the some reasons:
Firstly, Mac OS is built on "Unix Kernel".
And it is very secure OS.
Secondly, Large number of virus writers know about MS Windows, and we can say that they are making
virus for that only.
Ok. Can you tell me.
If i will run a virtual PC on Apple Mac, will it get infected with a virus.
If you are using a virtual PC on Mac,
Then you have to run an antivirus program to secure it from virus.