Do You Know The Best Way To Access Computer Remotely?

Are there other apps as good as TeamViewer to access the computer remotely? What is the best way to access computer remotely for Windows OS?

Are there other apps as good as TeamViewer to access the computer remotely? What is the best way to access computer remotely for Windows OS?
Mikogo, a cross-stage remote administration and internet meeting stage underpins Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, and iOS. On the desktop, utilizing it is as straightforward as opening your program, and you don't need to introduce overwhelming modules to interface with it. It's luxuriously highlighted and awesome for web meetings, remote backing, and presentations. We specified Mikogo a while prior, keeping in mind they've progressed significantly and included a huge amount of new elements (counting VoIP visit), they're generally premium and undertaking focused. They do offer free records for individual utilize however, so it's an awesome alternative in the event that you just need to do remote backing.