Do you think iPad Stand will be convenient for people with disability?

With this Ipad Stand will it be convenient for people with disability to set it up and adjust for their convenience?

With this Ipad Stand will it be convenient for people with disability to set it up and adjust for their convenience?
It will be convenient for disabled.Please consider the following points.
1. The iPad has been called a revolutionary tool to help children with autism learn how to communicate and socialize more easily.
2. Christopher Bulger, a 16-year-old in Chicago who injured his spine in a car accident, used an iPad to surf the Internet during the early stages of his rehabilitation, when his hands were clenched into fists. “It was nice because you progressed from the knuckle to the finger to using more than one knuckle on the screen,” he said.
Parents of autistic children are using applications to teach them basic skills, like brushing teeth and communicating better.
3. For a mainstream technological device like the iPad to have been instantly embraced by the disabled is unusual. It is far more common for items designed for disabled people to be adapted for general use, like closed-captioning on televisions in gyms or GPS devices in cars that announce directions