Does anyone know about Future of internet?

What will be the future of the internet ? Did anyone think about it ?
What data transfer speed can we expect in future?
How technology grows in internet?

What will be the future of the internet ? Did anyone think about it ?
What data transfer speed can we expect in future?
How technology grows in internet?
Well even though it's difficult to say anything about the future, experts in the required field often have something to offer
Us that provides a hint of what might happen in the future. Of course there are people who think about the internet too.
Here are some points that are said to happen:
Globalism: The internet will become more globalized than ever. Providing information and knowledge — that internet
Is made for — will become much easier, making the cost decrease day-by-day. Also making all the humans too
Participate globally and not country-wise.
Virtual Reality:Â The virtual world which we dream of will come true! Three dimensional interfaces will be much realistic. Gaming and grouped communications will also be in the fury touch.
Bandwidth: More than the range of 10 Mbps bandwidth will be provided to the home users, through all the means. Of course the price will be lesser than they are today.
And my friend there are many more things happening in the world of internet that you can't even imagine of. They (the developers) are giving their best effort to provide all the things that one can expect. So there's nothing to worry about. The time will pass and you will see the best results!