Does anyone know about thunderbolt?

Does anyone have any information regarding next-generation thunderbolt data transfer protocol?
How is this different for existing data transfer protocols?

Does anyone have any information regarding next-generation thunderbolt data transfer protocol?
How is this different for existing data transfer protocols?
Thunderbolt Combines the PCI Express and DisplayPort protocols. Jason Ziller, the director of marketing at ThunderBolt claimed that the technology will be considered an “ultrabook” amplify that gives greater storage.Data transfers are expected to have better Data Transfers and editing will be faster. The Cable management in terms of the number directly attached to the Pc will be reduced maintaining maximum throughput. The next generation thunderbolt data protocol and the current one will come I terms of
1. Faster data transmission
2. Cheaper cost
3. Light peak will provide power to devices
4. The speed will eventually hit 100Gbps
5. No protocol breach
6. Longer cables