User Friendly version of ThickBox

Asked By 200 points N/A Posted on -

I know that everyone of us is using scripts to enlarge images with high quality resolution and pixels. So, I love and I really enjoy exactly how most people are using scripts to enlarge images whenever they clicked in the present window, it seems great! Obviously, as you can see and imagine I want this for many of my domains.

I did some research through the internet and I found a free MIT script, yet it is not that useful or not that friendly somehow. So, All I want to know is, "Does anyone know a version of Thick Box 3.1 that is more user friendly and useful for me.?

Best Answer by jhony_deep
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Answered By 0 points N/A #110082

User Friendly version of ThickBox


Dear Martinezhall

Using scripts to enlarge image with high quality is a wonderful work and i also love this.

About ThickBox, this is a webpage UI dialog written in Java Script on top of the jQuery library and main function is that to show a single image, multiple images,  or content served through Ajax programming in a hybrid modal. 

But remember.

Thickbox almost complete his life and now a days it is not maintained any longer, so you can try these alternatives instead of thick box 3.1.

1. Colorbox

2. Iqueryui dialog  

3. Fancybox   

4. Dom window  

5. Shadowbox.js

So thick box 3.1 is not useful for you.

Take care


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