Asked By
15 points
Posted on - 06/23/2016
Hello experts,
My computer is on some blacklist. When I try to access the internet the following message “does IP address comply with reverse hostname naming convention” is displayed. Did the firewall or DNS Setup has some problem. Or is it something with the ISP.
Answered By
0 points
Does IP Address To Comply With Reverse Hostname Naming Convention?
Yes, You have got it right. It is something with the DNS or maybe the ISP. You need to check up with the DNS Entries on both the zones, Forward, and Reverse. The reverse zone entries are feed automatically. But when it is done automatically it may be set to disable. So the info needs to be entered manually
If not you, please contact your ISP and get them to change the entry on their DNS Server. The company that provided IP needs to resolve the public server name. It requires being mentioned specifically to make the required changes.