Does Raid Hardware Work for XenServer ?
XenServer right now makes a point not to back product RAID. It might be plausible to arrange RAID on supplemental nearby circles utilizing product RAID. Observe the accompanying aritcle. The best fix could be to instate an equipment controller which than must be arranged around RAID. Since you're looking to do a quite brisk and basic RAID, you quite should regard a modest RAID-1 controller. Gave you're just heading off to be doing RAID-1, you require not spend a mess of cash on one. Utilizing a upheld RAID controller is doubtlessly heading off to spare you the pain of introducing mdraid (which I could join is absolutely reliable and works excessively well), but XenServer makes a point not to uphold this and all things considered, is much of a workaround which puts your information at danger if you're not overly sure with Linux yet.