Good day, and I have a problem working with Domain Controller in my own company as the problem is already present in the network. The functions made by primary DNS server, DHCP Server and active directory server with the help of the Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller.
This crash at the server has made a move to the exchange server which occurred at the Secondary DNS server and the active directory got crashed due to the replication from the primary DNS. So I decided to develop fresh Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller which now acts as the DNS Server of type primary and Active directory for my domain at the place of crash in primary DNS. So please provide me any solution in solving this query.
Thank You.
Domain Controller problem, any help on these?
Hi, Barb , when you create a New Domain or promote a computer that does not have DNS properly installed or configured correctly, active directory will not configure the name space for a new domain. To solve this, just follow these steps:
1. Log into the domain controller either in the console or via RDP.
2..Download Dcdiag.exe from Microsoft. If you don't have windows 2000 support , you can download it at
3. Open the command window and change directory to the location where you are suppose to execute. Start > menu > run > type "cmd" click enter .
4. Now, type "ipconfig/flushdns" then "ipconfig/registerdns"
5. at the prompt type "dcdiag/fix" read through the output
6. type "dcdiag/fix" and then "net stop netlogon" and type again "net start netlogon" without quotes to finalize changes. To be sure that the domains controller DNS is working , run dcdiag again.