Don’t Know How To FTP A File In Windows
I am a student, and I learned about FTP in my computer class today. When I tried it at home, then I was not able to do it. Do I want to know how to FTP a file in windows?
I am a student, and I learned about FTP in my computer class today. When I tried it at home, then I was not able to do it. Do I want to know how to FTP a file in windows?
FTP is used to transfer the files or important stuff through windows command prompt. FTP commands are used by windows command prompt to transfer the data. The methods of how to FTP a file in windows are –
1.) Open the command prompt and select the files you want to transfer from one place to other and click Enter.
2.) Change the:C\> to FTP> by typing the FTP at the place of :C\> prompt.
3.) Fist type opens and then the name of remote FTP site and click Enter. Type the username and password provided to you by the administrator. Now, after getting the permission, you are allowed to transfer the files.