Dose really such kind of software exist?

Few days ago I heard about software that could replace inactive keys of a keyboard. Dose really such kind of software exist? If so how could I get the software?

Few days ago I heard about software that could replace inactive keys of a keyboard. Dose really such kind of software exist? If so how could I get the software?
Dear Ney Steele the question you asked depends upon the model of keyboard you are having. The inactive keys can be activated using certain software specially built for this purpose. First of all do check on the manufacturer's website if any keyboard software is available and it will be having some commands for the inactive keys. This software will make the functions associated with the keyboard active. Beside that the keys could be having a programmable option and you can set custom commands for those keys through the manufacturer’s software for that specific keyboard. The keyboard will then perform the functions allotted to the not active keys.