I am using Mac OSX and would like to have a software that will combine 2 or more photos and thereby widening the photos by stitching the photos automatically and perfectly. My friends told that DoubleTake will be a perfect software for my need, but it seems to be cost involved in downloading, Please suggest me a similar software that will be available for free. If I can get the DoubleTake MacOSX for free, that will be great. Please guide me.
DoubleTake Mac OSX for free or any alternative
There are few names in the list. I would suggest you go to alternativeto.net and search for DoubleTake and it will list you many alternative with free, demo and paid versions.
DoubleTake Mac OSX for free or any alternative
I recommend Picture Merge Genius, which you can download on CNET. There are two genres of photo-editing programs: those that are targeted towards beginners, and ones where more advanced users can start from scratch and enter their personal parameters. These software can merge many pictures into one in many different ways.
For instance, say you desire to generate a single figure that's composed of numerous photos of your cat. Perhaps you want to make this and keep it, or maybe you want to post it to your blog immediately. Picture Merge Genius lets you select an image size, insert the component images, arrange everything the way you want it, and save it as a new image.
Ppercy george