DouDou linux for kids ?

What is this Doudou Linux ? What features it has ? Is it only for kids from 2-12 years. Is this Linux available in English language.

What is this Doudou Linux ? What features it has ? Is it only for kids from 2-12 years. Is this Linux available in English language.
Hello Julie M Moore!
DoudouLinux is specially designed for children from 2 to 12 years old. DoudouLinux is full of games for kids. Videos and audios for kids are some of the features. They can also play piano, answer simple Mathematics. There are also some games similar to Super Mario. This Linux Distribution is available in English and you don’t need to install in computer. Just burn it on CD and run it.
DoudouLinux is a program specially designed for children ages 2 until 12 years old. The aim of the program is to introduce the computer to children in a way that they can enjoy making it less confusing. The program is in a game-like format and the environment is as easy as playing in a gaming console.
You can use this application to let your kids use the computer without you always watching them in case they accidentally open unwanted websites on the internet. The application is in the form of an ISO image and the good thing about it is that it doesn’t require installing to the computer. This is good so you can leave your worries behind in case you are not sure about the program if it’s your first time to use it.
DoudouLinux ships with built-in content filtering and this avoids children from unintentionally visiting unpleasant websites. It maintains the user privacy when accessing the internet because it blocks bugs and removes ads in web pages to let the children have the best web experience. The latest version is already available. Download DoudouLinux 2.1 Hyperborea English. The ISO download is 1 GB so make sure your hard drive has room for it.